Awards/Special Appointments

The Canada Council: Travel Grant, individual, for “passages/περάσματα”, an exhibition in two parts: a solo exhibition of works by Allyson Glenn, at The Cultural Foundation of Tinos, Tinos, Greece.  And at the Vorres Museum, Athens, Greece, Summer 2019.

The University of Saskatchewan-International Relations: Writing Grant for Allyson Glenn’s exhibition “passages/περάσματα”, Summer 2019.

The Alberta Foundation for the Arts: Travel Grant, Individual, for “Uses for King Kong: An Imaginary Book,” Side-way Stoa, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece, December 10, 2018 to February 23, 2019.

The Alberta Foundation for the Arts: Cultural Relations Grant, Individual, for “Open Horizons”, Cultural Foundation of Tinos, Tinos island, Greece, August 1 to 20, 2017, an exhibition celebrating Canada’s 150th

The Alberta Foundation for the Arts: Cultural Relations Grant for “The Lure of the Local: Women Artists in the Canadian Landscape”, November 6, 2013 to January 11, 2014, Vorres Museum, Athens, Greece.

Foreign Affairs Canada: Cultural Relations Fund Grant Programme for the “Migrations in the Third Dimension: Tradition and Innovation in Canada and the Cyclades” 2004 Olympics celebration exhibit on Tinos, Greece, 2004.

The Alberta Foundation for the Arts: Visual Arts Project Assistance Grant, for the “Migrations in the Third Dimension: Tradition and Innovation in Canada and the Cyclades” exhibit on Tinos, Greece, 2004.

The Calgary Institute for the Humanities – Visiting Research Fellow, Spring-Summer, 1997

Banff Centre for the Arts – Fall Thematic Residency, 1996

The Calgary Institute for the Humanities – Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1992-¬1993

Association for Canadian Studies, Regional Development Programme Award, 1991-¬1992

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Fellow, 1983-1985
