Archive – Allyson Glenn, Passages

passage(s) / περάσματα

Title: passage(s) / περάσματα
( an exhibition in two parts )

Location: Cultural Foundation of Tinos, Tinos, Cyclades, Greece
Dates: June 13 to July 8, 2019
Location: Vorres Museum, Athens, Greece
Dates: June 24 to July 14, 2019
Artist: Allyson Glenn
Curator: Caterina Pizanias, PhD

The exhibition passages / περάσματα takes its point of departure from the gardens at the Vorres Museum in order to reflect on whether Hellenic Antiquity might still resonate now and do so from the perspective of contemporary painting.   Allyson Glenn was the artist for the eponymous 2016 residency at Vorres. passages / περάσματα suspends time to illustrate and explore how ancient Greek mythology and its assortment of gods, goddesses, and demigods with human lives might play a productive role in helping us with today’s continuous social upheavals and our chronic incapacity to overcome them. Allyson Glenn is asking if an(other) look back at antiquity might provide insights into our turbulent times. To that effect, Glenn, and curator Caterina Pizanias, Janus-like, they have looked back into Greece’s mythological past and also looked forward into its future uses, examined crossings and transgressions of borders—disciplinary, interpretive, aesthetic, etc.– in search of sites of resistance that may expand conventional notions of nation, ethnicity, identities, displacement, migration, and more.

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